E + D Natures Flu Shots / Erkältungssaft
E - Juice of 6 fresh lemons 1 bulb garlic 2 teaspoon ginger powder (or 1 fresh teaspoon ginger) 2 tablespoon honey 3 cups pineapple...
E - Roundup, Glyphosate. What you need to know
In March of 2015, the World Health Organization officially classified glyphosate, a primary ingredient of the weed-killer Roundup, as a...
E - Look what happens when you quit smoking within the first 20 minutes.
Quitting smoking is tough. It’s probably why about 70% of smokers actually want to quit but don’t. It’s also why only about 7% of smokers...
E- Hummus made with red lentils and brazil nuts
You've got to try this! I can't get over it. It is so yummy! I tried this for the first time today . Hummus made with red lentils and...
E - Human aborted fetal cell DNA
Sorry, but this needs to be shared: You can verify this on the CDC's website. Human fetal DNA is identified as "human diploid cells." The...